Monday, 18 March 2013

Weekly Reflection #4

Book: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 14-34

The book so far has been following the same suit as the movie. It has the same story line and is painting the visuals for me that I have seen in the movie. I am wondering if they are going to keep this theme throughout the whole book, or if the movie made some dramatic changes in the story line. A few things from the movie which I really enjoyed were the training, and also the way that the actual fight went down. How they had the guy from district 9 work alongside the district 1 people, but in the end he would fight with Katniss. I personally really enjoyed that and I'm hoping that they keep that in the book.

 Last week we took a virtual fieldtrip. By this we visited other classmates blogs, and also went to a different class, an elementry schools blog and took a look at some of their blogs. I only left a comment on a few of the posts I saw, but I did observe many different comments. Some i saw were pretty well written, and others were... not so much. To me, what made up a good comment was how in depth they went, and how discriptive they were. I saqw some comments such as "good post :)" or "this is funny" and those are examples of poor comments. some good ones i saw were such as "I really liked your use of this, and you really incorpporated this well". The good one was thought oout, they said why they liked it and what was good about it, rather than just saying this is good. Benefits of commenting on other peoples blog are getting yourself out there. That way people would say oh that was a good comment, and want to comment on your blog, but if you make a poor comment then that will make people not want to comment on yours. You get what you give in and if you have more people giving you positive incouragment, and visiting your blog, then that will also make it better, and people could also say I really like this, but if you did this maybe it would enhance it, either way, posting positive posts and comments would enhance your blog.

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