Monday 17 June 2013

Thinking Back...

Favourite Assignment? Why? 

My favorite assignment was the newspaper blackout poetry. I found it really cool and I have never really thought of making poetry in that way. It was fun, but it was also kinda hard and although some of the poems that I made were maybe not the best, but I still had fun making them, and I could also see myself doing them again.

Least Favourite Assignment? Why?
I really disliked the 6 Word Memoirs. From the start I just never liked them and that is the one thing I can say that I really did not like to do. I don't know why I didn't like them so much, but I wasn't even going to do them but I ended up doing them at like last minute.
Friday Reading?
I was not here for most of the friday reading, and when I was I mainly just read the Darwin awards. I was reading The Hunger Games all year but I never really got too into it, I also didn't read very much of it.
Monday Written Reflection?

Given that most fridays I wasn't there, I don't really have too many of the Monday Written Reflection. I found that it just got too repetitive, and reflecting on the same thing, and blogging about the same thing week after week to me was just boring, and had no appeal really to me. 
The Writer's Notebook?

The writers notebook I enjoyed. That was when you could try out new things, maybe get some blog posts out of it, and if you don't like it then you don't have to post it. The writers notebook came in handy, and having all of my work in one notebook helped when I was scrambling to do my assignments at the end of the year. It has all of the information of how to do the things in it so having that to look at while your doing everything was a big help. 


The blogging aspect of this course was probably the one thing that I just could not get into. Given that this course was mainly blogging, it most likely was the reason why I struggled in this class. I did not maintain my blog at all, and although at the end I started to get into the swing of things, and finish all of my assignments. It still did not help one bit how far I put this off. Although I couldn't get into the blogging, when I started to do the work near the end I actually really enojyed the blogs, I started to have fun doing it, and I caught myself thinking that I wish I started doing all of this stuff from the start of the course.


Tweeting is one thing which I do, and when I found out about twitter being in the course I was happy, and glad to hear it. I thought that this would be the one thing in it that I could really excel at but that is not really the way that it turned out. The idea of tweeting for the course is fun, and should be left for the future generations, my grade, and the younger ones all love to use twitter, so if this idea were to be introduced earlier in the course maybe kids like me would be able to get into it faster.

The integration of technology into the course?

The integration of technology in this course was really cool. I have never seen, or even heard of a course like this, or a teacher like Ms.Mclauchlan. It was unique and the way she thought of it was pretty crazy the whole course. She told us about how she has traveled sharing this course with others, and her ideas, so in 15 years, when I'm matured (hopefully) and still have a beard, I'll be telling my kids that I was one of the first people in the course, so really I was a pioneer.

What you learned about yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker, creator?

I've learnt about myself, that I really got to pick it up for university. If my efforts in this course reflect how I will be in university then I will have a really tough time. It showed me that I don't have the will power to do all of this when I don't come to class, so no more skipping for me because now I'm onto the real world.  
Comments/Compliments/Constructive criticism for Ms. McLauchlan about the course

I would just like to thank Ms. McLauchlan. Half the time I wouldn't come, the other half I came about 20 minutes late. I would walk in, ask her what we're doing, and she would just smile and tell me what to do for that day. Not once can I think of when she just yelled at me for being late. Except one time when I walked in with my friend Kayin 20 minutes late, she just asked him who are you and was rather polite about it, and asked him to leave, then just continued on with her teaching, without a lecture towards me or anything. I'm not saying you haven't wanted to do it, but thank you for putting up with my bullshit for a whole semester

Advice for future CW students

All I've got to say is... GO TO CLASS. When you actually do the course it is rather enjoyable, I never gave it a fair chance untill the end and then I really started to enjoy myself doing it. So for future CW students I will say it one more time, she is probably really pissed at me, and I may have ruined it for all the future students, but everyone better be going to class.

Now What

One of the items on my list, is learn to do a backflip at age 18. I have listed which age I would be doing everything at and this is one of mine for age 18. The way I plan on doing this is just manning up. First I will learn to do it into a pool, and just work my way up from there. I want to be able to do something cool like a nice shot in pool or something, and celly hard with a backflip.

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Buried Life

The Buried Life
This is my final porject for The Buried Life, I chose to make a video using Animoto. Enjoy!


Todays the kinda day which I wish I could just get away. Delete my instagram for a day, delete my twitter, and just be somewhere where none of that stuff matters with nothing but two of my good buddies, and a 24. No one around to bug us, no one around to talk to us, no one around to remind us on the day. Just need an escape. Happy Fathers Day

Friday 14 June 2013

A Friend Is Not Known Till He Is Lost

Six Word Memoir #8

Authors Note

My last memoir. And if you can learn anything from me, don't procrastinate! It just leads to much stress,  and worry near the end of the year. It just sucks and if your like me then you have to stay up late, and I mean really late to do this. I have always had a bad habit of doing it but never this bad. This class was fun when I was doing the work for it, I wish i would have started doing it earlier. 

Six Word Memoir #7

Authors Note

I like this one because everybody thinks they know you without actually knowing you. People hear stuff about you and automatically assume they know eveyrthing about you. I know me, and as well as probably most people don't tell much people everything. People only know you as much as you want them to. Only a select few know you, the real you. 

Six Word Memoir #6

Authors Note

I thought that this flask and memoir went hand in hand with each other. Theres no better way to meet new people then to have a few drinks with them, and the best memories are the ones that you don't remember. Those late summer nights where you're out all night, you cant remember most of the night but you'll never forget those times. 

Six Word Memoir #5

Authors Note

      This is my dog daisy. Daisy has been with me through a lot, I've laughed with daisy, I cry with daisy, when I'm feeling down I cuddle her, when I'm feeling happy I play with her, she has always been my main bitch (bitch means female dog). Daisy has never told me she would always be there for me, and she has never told me she would greet me everyday I come home with a wagging tail, but actions speak louder than words and Daisy is truly a mans best friend. 

Six Word Memoir #4

Authors Note
    After one of my first club nights my friend was giving me a ride home, and given the state that I was in it was really messed up. I have never seen anything like this and it was not only creative, but also pretty creepy too. I had a really messed up night that night and this just topped it off. Lately life has also been really messed up, given graduation soon, situations at home, and a few other things I thought that this picture would be suitable to represent that. This almost shows just how messed up things have been for me lately. 

Six Word Memoir #3

Authors Note

       Everybody loves milk, maybe not white, but everybody loves chocolate. I am a man of both tastes, sometimes I like a nice glass of white milk to dip my cookies in, and other times a good tall glass of chocolate milk hits the spot, like after a good workout. I will always drink the white milk, but me and I'm sure a lot of other people can agree with me, that if I had a white milk and a chocolate milk in front of me, I would pick the chocolate over white any day. I'm not even sure why I made this into a 6 word memoir, maybe I was just really craving a chocolate milk, and it helps brighten up the mood from all the other depressing ones. All I know is, white milks good, but chocolate milk is always going to be better. Unless its expired.

Six Word Memoir #2

Authors Note

Basketball is a love hate relationship. Sometimes she is treating you just right, but other times she makes you want to rip your hair out. Lets start with the love. Getting that and 1, hitting a long range 3, the crowds we got at every provincial game, getting a big defensive stop, grabbing a rebound. The list can go on and on, there are so many parts to love about this game. But the hate, oh the Huskies had our ups and downs, we had losing streaks, we fooled around at practice, and if any of you know Mr.Tackie he did not put up with any bullshit. He made me fear the word sideline. You mess up, sideline, talking at practice, sideline. Him, the team, we're a family, and like every family there is ups and there is downs, theres love, and theres hate, a very smart man would always say "sometimes one light is shining brighter then others" even when the hate is going, you still gotta love it. 

Six Word Memoir #1

Authors Note

This picture was taken last year while my mom was at country fest. As you can tell she likes her beer, as do I. I find it pretty impressive that a woman of her age can go to country fest and this year will be my first year there too, and I plan on double fisting most of the time. Me and my mom have a very close relationship, and growing up without a father my mom has always given me the guidelines and she has always worked very hard to support our family. She is almost like a mother and a father to me but she is also my best friend, she can cheer me up, but oh can she ever get me angry. We have our differences from time to time but I will always love my mom unconditionally, and when the time comes where she can't take care of herself anymore, I will gladly help her out, just like she did when I was unable. So drinks up mom

Tuesday 4 June 2013

beautiful friendship

violets are green
stevo is mean
Kayin and branden love him like lean
stevo is Jesus
Branden is hot
Kayin is sexy
and we love him a lot

Monday 3 June 2013


A movie that I'm seeing commercials for which I'd like to see is called the purge. I originally saw the commercial on tv, and it didn't look too good. But then I went to a movie and saw the official trailer for it and it makes it look much better. If you have not seen the official trailer I suggest watching it below


Gross dog? Cute dog? Rat dog? It eats itself

Self blog

Lost dog
White dirty dog
looks like a rat dog
where's my dog
has anyone seen my dog
I don't even like my dog
I want a new dog
got a new dog

'Herbs inside thoughts'

TBL Authors Note

For this project I am planning on being as creative, and unique as possible. When I am picking my list I am going to go for things that are out of the ordinary, but still school appropriate. I plan on representing my ideas in a timeline sort of idea, which will fold out and represent each one. I hope to end up doing most of the things on my list, especially the top 25 I will be picking.

Daily Create Apr. 16

If I had 10 clones of myself, what I would get them all to do is rob a bank. I would have the first 5 rob bank #1, and the second 5 rob bank #2. My copies would all be wearing masks, the 5 at the first bank could be wearing Obama masks, and the 5 at the second bank could be wearing George Bush masks. I would already be in Mexico and we would have a secret account so that they could wire the money over to me, and I would be in Mexico so there is no way I could have robbed that bank.

TBL List Part 1

1. Sky dive naked
2. Build my own house
3. Get married on the beach
4. Stay in Caesars Palace in Las Vegas
5. Meet Taylor Swift
6. Smoke a Cuban in Cuba
7. Pee off of a sky scraper
8. Visit the Eiffel Tower
9. Fly a plane
10. Get a tattoo
11. Get buisness degree
12. Open my own bar
13. Find my favorite starbucks drink
14. Have sushi in Japan
15. Have chinese food in China
16. Learn to use chopsticks
17. Become a grill master
18. Own 2 huskies
19. Spend a week alone in Mexico
20. Learn a new language
21. Dribe a Ferrari
22. Meet Kobe Bryant
23. Buy my mom a house
24. Go snowboarding
25. Paint the side of a building
26. Beat a dog in a race
27. Sit courtside, game 7, NBA finals
28. Go offloading
29. Learn to count cards
30. Win poker at a casino

TBL List Part 3

60. See a shooting star
61. Help in Africa
62. Become a grandpa
63. Make a citizens arrest
64. Ride a whale
65. Have friends from high school when I'm 40
66. Run a marathon
67. Never own a cat
68. Save another human being
69. Have Taylor Swift write a song about me
70. Hold a parrot
71. Visit Amsterdam
72. See Hollywood sign
73. Put lots of soap in a huge fountain
74. Fly over a volcano
75. Zip line through a jungle
76. Give my friend a bra tan line when he falls asleep
77. Swim with sharks
78. Bounce in a room of complete trampolines
79. Play slam ball
80. Own a cabin
81. Live in the country
82. Play poker with dogs
83. Make a time capsule
84. Do karate in the garage
85. Be someones role model

TBL List Part 2

30. Win poker at a casino
31. Marry a model
32. Be in a flash mob
33. Only have one marriage
34. Be on the news for something positive
35. Design something awesome
36. Learn sign language
37. Backpack through Europe
38. Go to every continent
39. Knock out Mike Tyson
40. Go to a McDonalds that serves beer
41. Learn to do a backflip
42. Be in a hot air balloon
43. Live to 93
44. Laugh a year straight when I turn 69
45. Watch a live jets game
46. Move away from Winnipeg
47. Shoot a big gun
48. Have a paintball war throughout a school
49. Have a paint fight to paint a room
50. Jump into a huge foam pit
51. Legally buy alcohol
52. Get a piercing on an unnamed place
53. Own a segway
54. Ride the slingshot at the ex
55. Swim with dolphins
56. Wake up in a new Bugatti
57. Convince someone to tattoo my face on them
58. Retire and move somewhere hot
59. Go to a nude beach

Saturday 1 June 2013

Twitter Fiction

1) Today's the day. Finally get to see my dad again #2LongYears
2) Really looking forward to this lunch date, not too sure where we're going yet though
3) I hope its Boston Pizza! No Space Aliens! No Chuck E Cheese
4) He e said he would be here at 2, its 1:45 #Anxious #HurryUp
5) Its only 2:30, I'm sure he will be here soon #ProbablyGettingMeAGift
6) Ok he's here, and it's 4, no gift, beer bottles everywhere
7) I wonder where we're going, I wonder how drunk he is, can he drive?
8)1,2,3,4,5,6,7 beer bottles
9) #RestaurantOfChoice Gizzy's.. Definitely not my first pick #Classy
10)Don't you have to be 18 to get into bars... I'm 12
11)"Back already" they yell as we walk in. There's no way he would have brought all 7 beers with him
12) Why am i here, I see why i never see him #MomComeGetMe
13) Dad's calling over the bartender, why does he need another drink
14) "No more, your cut off, your with your kids for christs sake" #DadsNotHappy
15) He's trying to fight the bartender #WhatIsHappening #PleaseGetMeOut
16) I need to go home #Anyone #Please
17) The whole bar is in this now, trying to calm him down
18) Why did I come? Why did we come here? A bar? #I'mStill12
19) We're in his truck, he stormed off, if he can't drink anymore there is no way he should drive.
20) He is swerving everywhere, he is for sure too drunk to drive #AngerIsn'tHelping
21) The cops are trying to pull us over, dad's trying to get away
22) 4 calls to mom, 0 answers. 0/4
23) He's going way to fast, he can't control his truck
24) What happened? Why am I in this bed? Where's my dad?
25) 36 hours I was out, we got in a car crash
26) Dad's dead